Bottom Entry Agitators/Mixers

Bottom entry mixers are available in three weights; light, medium and heavy. All are for applications of various liquid viscosities.
- Best for dairy products homogenous and vegetable oil or juice storage.
- Fluids which are easily mixed or kept homogeneous
- Small tank volumes
- Low viscous fluids
- Tanks with low pressure (max. 10 bar g)
- Temperatures from -20 °C to 150 °C
- Generated torque relatively low
- Best for vegetable oil storage, dairy products and juice storage.
- Mixing applications where higher forces are required
- Larger tank volumes up to approx. 100 m3
- Viscosities range up to approx. 5000 cP
- Pressurized tanks (max. 16 bar g)
- Temperatures from -20 °C to 170 °C
- Blending (petro)chemical, food or pharmaceutical products for instance in reactors are examples of heavy-duty applications where bottom entry agitators and mixers are selected.
- Mixing applications where extremely high forces are required
- Very large tank volumes where a bottom bearing is not desirable
- Highly viscous fluids exceeding even 100.000 cP
- High-pressure tanks exceeding even 100 bar g
- Temperatures exceeding even 250 °C
Contact us
If you would like to place an order or find out more, please email, call on +44 1726 844 707, or fill in a contact form here.