Removal of Odorous Gasses from Vapour Streams

Removal of Odorous Gasses from Vapour Streams, Hydrocarbons, H2S and mercaptanes odour removal process
VZ ActiveVOC activated carbon is manufactured under stringent quality control, from scientifically selected grades of coal-based carbon. It is activated through a comprehensive controlled process, and pre-treated with chemical reagents, specifically for the removal of odorous gasses from vapour streams, in which hydrocarbons are present.

The filter contains VZ ActiveVOC filter material consisting of odorous selective activated carbon, which only is to be replaced when the capacity of the filter material is fully utilised.

The VOCZero VOC Vapour Odour Abatement System serves as a filter for removal of odorous vapour.

Removal of Odorous Gasses from Vapour Streams, Hydrocarbons, H2S and mercaptanes odour removal process


The Hydrocarbon, H2S or Mercaptane odorous loaded gas is passed into the odour removal unit in the bottom of the reactor vessel. The odorous components will be adsorbed onto the surface of the VZ ActiveVOC filler material, and the purified gas will leave the reactor from the top.

Filter material is designed for a lifetime of one to two years, depending on the concentration of sulphur components in the inlet gas.


Contact us

If you would like to place an order or find out more, please email, call on +44 1726 844 707, or fill in a contact form here.